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Zhou, Y., X. Li, G. R. Asrar, S. J. Smith & M. Imhoff , 2018. A global record of annual urban dynamics (1992–2013) from nighttime lights. Remote Sensing of Environment, 219, 206-220.

Zhou, Y., SJ Smith, CD Elvidge, K Zhao, A Thomson, M Imhoff, 2014. A Cluster-based Method to Map Urban Area from DMSP/OLS Nightlights. Remote Sensing of Environment. 147, 173-185

Zhou, Y., et al., A global map of urban extent from nightlights. Environmental Research Letters, 2015. 10(5): p. 054011.

We developed a new approach to develop spatially and temporally consistent global urban maps from 1992 to 2013, using the DMSP/OLS NTL observations. First, potential urban clusters were delineated using the NTL data and a segmentation method. Then, a quantile-based approach was used to remove rural and suburban areas sequentially in the potential urban clusters. Finally, the derived urban series of the entire study period (1992-2013) were improved for temporal consistency.

Spatial Resolution: 1km;

Temporal resolution: Annual;

Temporal Coverage: 1992-2013

Zhou, Y., et al., Evaluation of Global Onshore Wind Energy Potential and Generation Costs. Environmental Science and Technology, 2012. 46(14): p. 7857–7864.

Zhou, Y. and S. Smith, Spatial and temporal patterns of global onshore wind speed distribution. Environmental Research Letters, 2013. 8(3): p. 034029.

We develop a global map of onshore wind energy potentials (technical, economical, and exploitable) using reanalysis wind speed data (from 1980 to 2009), along with updated wind turbine technology performance, land suitability factors, cost assumptions, and explicit consideration of transmission distance in the calculation of transmission costs.

Spatial Resolution: 0.325 degree; Temporal resolution: 30-year Average; Temporal Coverage: 1980-2009

Zhou, Y., et al., A Comprehensive View of Global Potential for Hydro-generated Electricity. Energy & Environmental Science, 2015. 8(DOI: 10.1039/C5EE00888C): p. 2622-2633.

We developed a map of global hydropower potential (gross, technical, economic, and exploitable) using runoff and stream flow data, along with turbine technology performance, cost assumptions, and consideration of protected areas.

Spatial Resolution: 0.5 degree; Temporal resolution: 30-year Average; Temporal Coverage: 1971-2000


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